201 679 4168 support@pageflow.com Pensacola, FL

Document Mastery


Web Archive Tool

Scan documents at your office and upload them via our simple web interface. Search by keyword and potentially category to retrieve them, anytime anywhere there's internet access.

Scanning Service

We can pick up your documents and scan them for you on a regular schedule–depending on your frequency needs–as often as five days a week.

AI Content Analysis

Document text is analyzed and processed through our machine learning algorithm for categorization according to taxonomies you define. (We can help with that, too.)

How it Works


Your scanned pages are analyzed by Optical Character Recognition technology, converting what comes in as pixels into actual text.


Document text is stored in a secure relational database and can be run through our AI to assign category and keyword taxonomies.


PDF files are stored on a secure, redundant server on the Amazon Web Services Cloud.


To retrieve documents, login to the web archive from your desktop or mobile device and search by file name, text and potentially category or other taxonomy. Select one or more documents to view or download.

Machine Learning

Advanced Content Parsing

When clients require advanced analysis and categorization of their documents, we work with them to define and clarify the taxonomical system, then run a number of documents (hundreds to thousands) through the system, making manual adjustments to train the algorithm in accurate recognition. We have ~90% accuracy; a number which continually improves with technology. Uncategorized documents can be manually corrected, further informing the algorithm.

About Us

John Slocum is a passionate coder who built the PageFlow tool to facilitate the workflow of large automobile dealerships, and discovered that it also fits the needs of many smaller operations. When he's not coding, you'll find him playing his piano or bringing he and his wife, Mary's three children to one of the many activities they enjoy here in Pensacola.

Mike Kilmer met John at a Pensacola Children's Chorus event and they realized they had coding, music in and singing offspring common, and when PageFlow expanded, Mike was a good fit. Mike is raising two daughters with his partner Rivka and stays active in the Brownsville community.

Pick-up and Scanning Team

We feel very fortunate to have a small team of fantastic folks who pick up documents and scan them into our system for clients who require it. Eventually we aim to tell you who they are, but at the moment, they are being shy.



4400 Bayou Blvd. Suite 21H

Pensacola, FL 32503

201 679-4168
